Monday, April 7, 2014

IHHL: Round Two Wrap Up: And the Song Bird Sings

Heartbreak and clutch play marked week two of the IHHL finals, as seemingly dominate teams collapsed under the pressures making it to the final round. Ladies and Gentlemen, we present you with the top teams in the Ice Bucket and Ice Chip finals.

For the final round of the Ice Bucket playoffs, the Washington Winter Warriors take on the Barrel Riders of Buffalo this week. Insiders are saying that this matchup is the Warriors to lose, with the Barrel Riders tired from a last minute surge and seemingly depleted from injuries.

In the race for the first draft pick of the 2014/2015 season, IHHL fans will watch as Team Moran and the Seattle Wolves fight for dominance. Team Moran is undefeated in the playoffs, while the Wolves rallied back from a deficit to put an explanation point on their win last week. Is Team Moran poised for a fall? Are the Wolves peaking at the right time?

Ice Bucket

The Washington Winter Warriors came into  playoffs cold and got off to a slow start in their matchup against the Saskatoon Sasquatches last week. Riding high off of last weeks win, the Sasquatches played a hard hitting game against the Warriors; by Friday, the Sasquatches were a mere 11 points behind the Warriors seemingly poised to continue their post season Cinderella run. By Saturday though, fatigue had set in and the Sasquatches fell to the Warriors. A deadly combination of sloppy mistakes and poor puck handling by the Sasquatches goalie spelled doom for the Sasquatches. Final Score: Warriors (19 and 3) 318.2 to Sasquatches (13 and 9) 268.5.

In a rematch of the 2013 IHHL Ice Bucket Championship game, the Denver Demon Donkeys challenged the Barrel Riders of Buffalo. The Donkeys took advantage of the Barrel Riders early and often; capitalizing on poor puck handling by the Barrel Riders and injuries. By Friday, the Donkeys held a 30 point lead over the Barrel Riders and seemed to have the match firmly in hand. Come Saturday, the Barrel Riders dug deep, seized control of the game and dominated the Donkeys to erase the 30 point deficit. On Sunday, the Donkeys were unable to get the line matchups they wanted as the Barrel Riders secured their second consecutive trip to the final round of the Ice Bucket championship. Final Score: Donkeys (18 and 4) 281.4 to Barrel Riders (16 and 6) 296.2.

Ice Chips

With a shot at the first round draft pick on the line, the Richmond Prexies took to the ice like a team possessed against the Seattle Wolves last week. The Prexies played their hearts out and by Friday, they had secured a 20 point lead over the Wolves. with so much at stake, the Wolves were not about to roll over and play dead. Friday night saw the Wolves tear into the Prexies and erase the 20 point difference. Over the course of Saturday and Sunday, the Seattle Wolves continued to dominate the Prexies and racked up an additional 40 points to secure the win and a berth to the Ice Chips final round. Final Score: Wolves (6 and 16) 151.6 to Prexies (0 and 22) 119.3.

Team Moran, still running on autopilot, has developed into a seemingly unstoppable force as they rolled over the Cleveland Blackjacks last week. The Blackjacks only managed to post two wins last week against Team Moran and ultimately fell short of the win by over 40 points. Final Score: Team Moran (6 and 16) 175.9 to Blackjacks (3 and 19) 131.3.

Gif of the Week

This week's gif showcases the Saskatoon Sasquatches and the lackadaisical play that ended up costing them a shot at the finals.

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