Monday, March 31, 2014

IHHL Playoffs: Week One Update: Winds of Change

With the first week of the playoffs over, we are looking at a new landscape. In the Ice Bucket finals, we have one Cinderella story taking shape as the underdog Saskatoon Sasquatches earned a berth to round two, facing off against the Washington Winter Warriors. Meanwhile, in the Ice Chips finals, Richmond fans saw their team fall short of scoring that first win of the season.

With the second round of the playoffs kicking off, we have two teams coming in cold from their bye weeks, facing off against two strong competitors. Will the bye week prove to be a boon or bust for the Washington Winter Warriors and Barrel Riders of Buffalo? Can the Cleveland Blackjacks capitalize on their win over the Richmond Prexies and take down Team Moran?

Ice Bucket Update

From out of left field, the Saskatoon Sasquatches blind sided the Boston Benders last week.  The Benders came out hard on Monday and beat back the Sasquatches by nearly 30 points. Sadly for the hometown Boston crowd though, the Sasquatches roared back the next night with a 40 point win. From there, the rest of the week was spent with the two teams trading punches; with last minute line juggling by the Benders failing to provide the needed spark to overcome the Sasquatches. Final Score: Benders (17 and 5) 301.6 to Sasquatches (13 and 9) 322.5

Coming into the playoffs, the Denver Demon Donkeys were riding an eight game winning streak as they faced off against the Milwaukee Monarchs. The Donkeys and Monarchs traded off wins early on in the matchup, but it was the Donkeys who managed to pull ahead on points, night after night. Score: Donkeys (18 and 4) 298.2 to Monarchs (12 and 10) 265.1.

Ice Chips Update

The Richmond Prexies put forth a true spirited effort this past week as they took on the Cleveland Blackjacks. With an unusual amount of tenacity, the Prexies posted win after win last week, keeping the Blackjacks at bay until the weekend. On Friday though, the Prexies seemed to implode, falling victim to bad penalties and sloppy play as the Blackjacks regained their composure. Final Score: Prexies (0 and 22) 170.6 to Blackjacks (3 and 19) 176.7.

Team Moran facing off against the Seattle Wolves, wasted no time in asserting dominance over the Wolves surging out to a 26 point lead on opening night. Team Moran faltered only once, before regaining their composure and reasserting their style of play. Final Score: Team Moran (6 and 16) 244.7 to the Wolves (6 and 16) 187.7.

Gif of the Week

This week’s gif goes out the the Saskatoon Sasquatches who did everything in their power to successfully deny the Boston Benders a win in the first round of the playoffs.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

IHHL: Playoff Midweek Update

Today, with three games in, we take a look at how the first round is progressing. there are some surprising upsets in the making. Currently we are looking at the potential for one major upset in the Ice Bucket playoffs and the emergence of the feel good story of the season in the Ice Chips bracket.

The Saskatoon Sasquatches having been giving the Boston Benders a true run for their money this week. The Benders, still reeling from that narrow loss last week, put up huge numbers in Monday’s match, but dropped Tuesday’s game by more than 40 points. That win has led to the Sasquatches holding a 5 point lead over the Benders with four games to go.

Injuries have devastated the Milwaukee Monarchs ranks this week and may have cost them their chances to win against the Denver Demon Donkeys. The Donkey’s managed to eek out a small win on Monday, but took full advantage of the Monarchs depleted ranks on Tuesday; where the Donkeys outscored the Monarchs by a margin of nearly 50 points. The Monarchs were quick to conscript players from their farm teams and posted a win on Wednesday, but the Monarchs still face an uphill battle to earn back the 30+ points that they are currently down by.

Team Moran, still rudderless with the loss of owner Mark Moran, has taken it to the Seattle Wolves early on this week. The Wolves have been caught flat footed early on, but with Team Moran suffering injuries this week, the Wolves are hoping that a change to their fortunes is in the wind.

The Richmond Prexies have redoubled efforts this week in honor of their late owner, Dom Prudente. The Prexies currently hold a lead over the Cleveland Blackjacks, setting a new team record for most nights in the lead. Will the Prexies be able to hold on for the next four nights and honor Dom with a win?

Playoff Brackets

As a reminder for the IHHL Fans, there are two playoff brackets occurring at this time. The first is the Ice Bucket playoffs. The Ice Bucket playoffs is for teams in the running for the IHHL Ice Bucket. Currently the seeding for the Ice Bucket playoffs is:
  1. Washington Winter Warriors
  2. Barrel Riders of Buffalo
  3. Denver Demon Donkeys
  4. Boston Benders
  5. Saskatoon Sasquatches
  6. Milwaukee Monarchs
The second bracket, the Ice Chips bracket, is used to determine which team gets first pick in the next years draft. The seeding for the Ice Chips bracket is:
  1. Richmond Prexies
  2. Cleveland Blackjacks
  3. Team Moran
  4. Seattle Wolves

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

IHHL: Dom Prudenete In Memoriam

On Sunday, March 23, 2014, the owner of the Richmond Prexies, Dominic Gustavos Prudente got called up to the majors. Mr. Prudente expired shortly after his team and the Washington Winter Warriors finished up their match for the week.

IHHL Commissioner, Derek Heilmann, was with Mr. Prudente in his final hours. Commissioner Heilmann spoke briefly with Game Misconduct and told us that at the end, he lied to his friend. “I told Dom that the weekly matchup was closer than he had heard that and that Sid pulled a miracle out of the hat, getting the team the first win of the season.“ Commissioner Heilmann went on to say that “I had hoped… Against all odds, that if Dom believed his team was turning it around he’d… That Dom would… he’d still be with us.

A private ceremony was held earlier this week, which was attended by close friends and family only. In attendance was Mr. Prudente’s close personal friend and IHHL Commissioner, Derek Heilmann. The following is an excerpt from Commissioner Heilmanns Eulogy for Richmond Prexies owner, Dom Prudente.
What can I say about Dom? Many of us are familiar with the story of  my good friend, Dom Prudente. Dom was ever an entrepreneur. He was the type of many who brought such a high level of energy to everything he did that you could not help but be excited too.

When it came time to expand the league, I knew the one man I wanted to be there with me. Dom would bring a fresh vitality and excitement to the IHHL that would inescapable.

When I approached Dom about this opportunity, he was overjoyed at the chance to bring a professional hockey team to Richmond, VA. Dom saw this as his chance to give back to a city that had given him so much over the years; this was supposed to be Dom's time to shine. Dom was called to that great big owner’s box in the sky too soon!

IHHL officials have told Game Misconduct that out of respect for Dom, the name of the Richmond Prexies will be retired and at the behest of the city of Richmond and Mr. Prudente’s estate, the team will be moved at the close of the 2013/2014 season. 

For the remainder of the IHHL playoffs, all teams will be wearing the Dom Prudente memoriam patch.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Matchup 22 Summary: Black hole sun, Won't you come and wash away the rain?

The IHHL lost two of its owners in the final days of the regular season, putting the fate of both teams into doubt. The loss of two team owners combined with the lack of a TV deal for the 2014/2015 season are casting a serious pall over the playoffs and putting the leagues viability into doubt.

Richmond Prexies Owner, Dom Prudente, passed away on Sunday after his teams’ crushing defeat at the hands of the Washington Winter Warriors. Hospital officials report that complications arose from Mr. Prudente’s long stint in a coma this season. Team sources say that the life just seemed to slip out of Mr. Prudente over the past week as the team took a beating in its matchup. Commissioner Heilmann, was by his friends side on Sunday rather than watch his team finish their matchup against the Saskatoon Sasquatches.

In addition to the bombshell of Mr. Prudente’s passing, IHHL League Officials confirmed this morning that Mark Moran, owner of Team Moran, has begun the process of selling the team back to the league. Sources close to other team owners are telling Game Misconduct that talk of legal action against Mr. Moran and his film.

Matchup of the Week

In a knockdown, drag out fight, the Barrel Riders of Buffalo traveled to take on the Boston Benders this week. The Benders’ owner, Samantha Waters, was actively tinkering with lines as she kept her team firmly focused on entering the playoffs with the leagues best win streak (8 games). In what ended up being the match of the week, it all came down to a nail biting finale with less than a point separating the two teams. Final Score: Benders (17 and 5) 308 to Barrel Riders (16 and 6) 308.4.

After a slow start, the Cleveland Blackjacks surged back in their matchup against Team Moran and by midweek, only one point now separating the two teams. Unfortunately, that rally exhausted the Blackjacks and Team Moran was went on to put an exclamation point on their last game of the regular season. Final Score: Blackjacks (3 and 19) 186.5 to Team Moran (6 and 16) 240.8.

The Denver Demon Donkeys took the Seattle Wolves to task last week. As the Donkeys’ prepared for the upcoming playoffs, team owner Cody Wright kept his team focused on disciplined play and finishing their shifts. The Wolves rallied once early on in the week, but the Donkeys were quick to shut that down. Final Score: Donkeys (18 and 4) 301.4 to Wolves (6 and 16) 161.2.

With playoff positioning on the line, the Saskatoon Sasquatches came out strong on the opening night versus the Milwaukee Monarchs. The Monarchs paid dearly for resting players at the start of the week and spent too much time and energy trying to catch up to the Sasquatches, all for naught. Whether or not the Monarchs overtaxed their players in the run up to the playoffs, only time will tell. Final Score: Sasquatches (13 and 9) 270.9 to Monarchs (12 and 10) 237.

In a regional grudge match, the Washington Winter Warriors hosted the Richmond Prexies, in what would be Prexies’ owner, Dom Prudente, final game. The Prexies, already crippled with injuries, were never in a position to seriously challenge the Warriors as the season closed out. Earlier in the week, Warriors’ owner, Mac Cannon, was asked why his team was taking such a hard line with the Prexies. Mr. Cannon replied, “It is called running through the finish line - not slowing down to cross it”. Final Score: Warriors (19 and 3) 278.8 to the Prexies (0 and 22) 139.

Gif of the Week: 

 This week's gif goes out to all the IHHL fans celebrating the start of the 2014 playoffs. 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

IHHL Matchup 22: Midweek Update

As the IHHL closes out its final week of the regular season, what many thought to be an otherwise slow week has turned into a desperate battle for several of the teams. We here at Game Misconduct wanted to highlight three rather hot matches this week.

The Milwaukee Monarchs may have fallen victim to their own overconfidence. On Monday, the Monarchs opted to rest several key players rather than put them in against the Saskatoon Sasquatches, resulting in the Sasquatches surging to a 28 point lead on the opening night. At this time, the Sasquatches have a 38 point lead going into the weekend.

In a move that surprised no one, the Barrel Riders of Buffalo have opted not to rest any players this week in their matchup against the Boston Benders. This match, the most fiercely contested game of the week, has the teams separated by a mere 7. Is it possible that the Barrel Riders may put an end to the Benders’ league leading winning streak? Will either team risk any major changes to the teams with playoffs so close at hand?

One big surprise this week comes out of the matchup between the Washington Winter Warriors and the Richmond Prexies. The Prexies have not won a game all season and the owner has only recently come out of a season long coma, so no one thought that this would be a competitive match. What has surprised people is the that Warriors’ owner, Mac Cannon, seems to be channeling his Sensei from the Cobra Kai Dojo, Johnny Kreese, in calling for no mercy to be shown to the Prexies or their owner. The aggressive no-holds-barred style of play against the Prexies is considered unwarranted by many in the league.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Matchup 21 Summary: Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don’t stop

Going into the final week of the regular season, many teams are looking to address holes in their rosters that are still creeping up as a result of the Olympic games. The Barrel Riders of Buffalo, who have seen several key players go out with injuries, have publicly stated that they will be resting players this week in preparation for the playoffs. Whether this is a feint to throw off the Boston Benders for this week’s match up or the actual strategy is unclear at this time. 

Match of the Week - Monarchs vs Benders

After lightening his burden in managing the IHHL last week, Commissioner Heilmann and the Milwaukees Monarchs hosted the Boston Benders. The Monarchs, fresh off of their win against Team Moran, were looking to do the seemingly impossible, stopping the Benders. The Benders have not lost a game since the start of the year and appear to be peaking at just the right time to make a strong run into the playoffs. Savvy moves by Ms. Waters this season have positioned the Benders as the dominate team in the race for the Ice Bucket. All of this spelled doom for the Monarchs as they closed out the week over 100 points behind the Benders. With that loss, the Monarch’s hopes to catch the Barrel Riders and take over lead of the Conway Conference went down the drain. Final Score: Monarchs (17-4) 273.8 to Benders (12-9) 382.7.

In the battle of the coasts, the Seattle Wolves jumped out to an early lead over the Washington Winter Warriors. Mr. Cannon, owner of the Warriors, who have been dominant all season, attributed the slow start to the resting of his players in anticipation of the playoffs. The Wolves management issued a terse no comment when asked about the Warriors decision to bench players. Final Score: Wolves (6-15) 210 to Warriors (18-3) 288

The Richmond Prexies hosted the Saskatoon Sasquatches last week; Prexies’ owner, Dom Prudente continues to make excellent progress recovering from the coma he has been in all season. For the first games of the week, the Prexies hung tough with the surging Sasquatches and kept the match to within two points. As the week wore on though, the Prexies fell into their old habits of taking bad penalties and sloppy play in the defensive zone. With owner Dom Prudente on the road to recovery, we expect big things out the Prexies next season. Final Score: Prexies (0-21) 151.6 to Sasquatches (12-9) 256.2.

Team Moran made the trip to Buffalo last week to face off against the Barrel Riders. The Barrel Riders took advantage of Team Moran’s owner, Mark Moran, being focused on production of the “Flimsy Forward” to rest key players early on in the week. Mr. Moran did call into the team on Sunday for a pre-game pep talk that resulted in a win for that game, but it was too little too late. Final Score: Barrel Riders (15-6) 311.1 to Team Moran (5-16) 222.4

The Denver Demon Donkeys hosted the Cleveland Blackjacks for their last home game of the regular season. The Donkeys, locked in a battle for second place with the Benders, pulled out all the stops last week, jumping out to a 43 point lead over the Blackjacks on Monday. After that crushing start to the week, the Blackjacks were unable to get their heads back into the game. Final Score: Donkeys (17-4) 340.1 to Blackjacks (3-18) 162.2

Gif of the Week

This week’s gif is dedicated to the Boston Benders’ owner, Ms. Samantha Waters. As can be seen, the Milwaukee Monarchs were on the receiving end of the Benders’ aggressive play last week.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Matchup 20: Through the desert on a horse with no name

Welcome back to the IHHL. While the Olympics proved to be a great world class showcase for the talent that makes up the IHHL, it seems that that demonstration may have come at a cost. These past two weeks have been a roller coaster ride of thrills and chills for IHHL fans.

The Good

Richmond Prexies owner, Dom Prudente, is making a miraculous recovery. Showing signs of life and making solid progress towards recovery for the first time all season. By all accounts, it appears that team captain Sidney Crosby was the catalyst for this recovery. More details can be found in this Game Misconduct update.

The Bad

News out of Hollywood and sources close to IHHL Management agree that Team Moran owner, Mark Moran, has left the building to begin filming “The Flimsy Forward”. Game Misconduct broke the story on Friday.

The Ugly

The Olympic Games came at a high price for many of the IHHL teams. The huge number of injuries has forced many teams to reach far down the depth charts and farm teams in order to get through the last three matchups of the season.

Matchup 20, Summary

Washington Winter Warriors faced off against the Cleveland Blackjacks. The Warriors pushed hard to take advantage of the long format matchup of two weeks to crack 600 points. The Blackjacks meanwhile were looking to stop a six game slide and get back into the win column. Final Score: Warriors (16-3) 571.9 to Blackjacks (3-16) 286.8.

The Boston Benders hosted the Richmond Prexies this past fortnight. Despite Prexies owner Dom Prudente showing signs of recovery, the Prexies were unable to withstand the press of the Benders. The Benders have become on a tear since the start of the new year, owning a league leading streak of seven straight wins. Final Score: Benders (15-4) 510 to Prexies (0-20) 242.6.

The Saskatoon Sasquatches and the Seattle Wolves engaged in a pitched battle early on in the matchup. For the first week, the Sasquatches and Wolves traded wins on a nightly basis. The Sasquatches were finally able to establish dominance over the Wolves on March 4, with a win of 61 to 11. The Wolves rallied back with a 51 to 21 win the next night, but that would be the last win of the week for the Wolves. Final Score: Sasquatches (10-9) 452.6 to Wolves (6-13) 302.1.

Team Moran hosted the Milwaukee Monarchs and despite team owner, Mark Moran, being absent, the matchup was one of the closer ones. Event without their owner present, Team Moran put up a brave fight against the Monarchs. This weeks win put the Monarchs in place to gain a point against Conway Conference leader, the Barrel Riders of Buffalo.  Final Score: Team Moran (5-14) 353.1 to Monarchs (11-8) 458.

The Barrel Riders of Buffalo traveled to Denver to face off against the Demon Donkeys, in what proved to be most pitched battle of the week. The Barrel Riders a victim of injuries, quickly fell behind the Donkeys in the opening days of the matchup. Despite a late matchup rally, the Barrel Riders were unable to overcome their injuries and the whole that they initially dug themselves into. Final Score: Donkeys (15-4) 464.4 to Barrel Riders (14-5) 455.5

Gif of the Week

This weeks gif comes from the Richmond Prexies game capturing team captain, Sidney Crosby's reaction to the news that owner Dom Prudente is coming out of the coma. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Team Moran is folding, will the IHHL follow?

Photo from: Sebastien Grey, Studio M Academy
Photo used under Creative Commons,
Sebastien Grey, Studio M Academy
Information coming out of newly formed Hollywood Hockey Pictures points to principal photography on the “Flimsy Forward” is set to begin the first week of IHHL playoffs. The Flimsy Forward is the pet project of Team Moran Owner, Mark Moran. Sources inside of Team Moran say that owner Mark Moran is no longer managing the team and that he has no plans to come back next season.

The expansion of the IHHL and bringing in Mark Moran were two shining examples of Commissioner’s brash and flash style. With the loss of Team Moran, coupled with the collapse of the ESPN has dealt Commissioner Heilmann a devastating set of PR losses.

Recent movements in the structuring the management of the IHHL, creating the Co-Commissioner position, now appear to amount to rearranging the deck furniture on the Titanic. Owners and fans alike are no doubt wondering what all of this means for the viability of the IHHL. This may end up being more devastating to the league than last year’s lockout.

It may be that the IHHL needs to look at contracting for the upcoming season if it is to survive. Contraction of the league would be, in this writers opinion, a good thing. With fewer teams in the league, the IHHL would be better positioned to deliver a higher quality product, since there would not be the dilution of talent that is in place now.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Breaking News: Co-Commissioner Position Created and Named

Today, IHHL team owners were shocked by an announcement made by Commissioner Heilmann, creating the office of Co-Commissioner for the league. It is interesting to note that the new position will be filled by Scott J. Hall, as there have been rumors throughout the season of strife between Mr. Hall and Commissioner Heilmann.

At the press announcement, Commissioner Heilmann was quoted:

“I am happy to announce the creation of the position of Co-Commissioner and to have my good friend and colleague, Scott Hall.  step up and take on the responsibility of improve the IHHL.  As we look to grow the leagues dominance in the sports entertainment industry, it is important that look for new opportunities and not be constrained by past decisions and actions

The first order of business that Scott will undertake is to work with Alyssa to find and a company that is better suited to work with the IHHL and moving us forward into the 21st century. I have the utmost confidence that Scott and Alyssa will be an outstanding team to help grow IHHL.

In the meantime, I will be focusing on supporting our league as we begin our push into the playoffs. “

Sources close to league management wonder if Commissioner Heilmann’s motivation is less about expanding the league and more about keeping Mr. Hall close and on a short lease. Setting the motivation for this move aside, the pairing of Mr. Hall with Ms. Gagen makes sense as it creates a team with a proven track record of looking after the league interests, deep experience with technology matters, and having deep ties to the entertainment industry.