Friday, February 28, 2014

Update: Dom Prudente recovering

In a season that has such a pall cast over it for the Richmond Prexies, team captain Sydney Crosby’s winning of the Gold medal for team Canada has been a true highlight. In a touching move, Crosby went to see owner Dom Prudente in the hospital and tearfully placed his gold medal around Dom’s neck.

Shortly after Crosby left the hospital, Dom Prudente began stir and show signs of life for the first time all season. Mr. Prudente called Game Misconduct earlier this morning to let us know that he is on the road to recovery and is looking forward to taking a more active role in the management of his team next year.

Many on the team believe that it was Sidney Crosby’s dedication of the Gold Medal win in Sochi to Dom that has made the difference. Our hopes and prayers are with Dom and his family.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Filed under Rumour: ESPN deal with IHHL DOA?

Sources inside of IHHL Management, speaking on condition of anonymity, are telling Game Misconduct that the league's’ negotiations with ESPN for TV rights to carry games have fallen through.

The sticking point for the league centers around the TV revenue sharing and ESPN’s promotion of the league. There has been grumbling from league owners for much of the season on how ESPN is handling coverage and the slowness in updating fans on what is happening with the IHHL.

ESPN is evidently balking, in part, with Commissioner Heilmann’s demands for promoting the league. One of the more outrageous request to come from the Commissioner is for ESPN to supply full sized Zambonis made entirely of Tim Hortons’ donuts, sitting on top of a Coldstone Creamery ice cream cake, for each team’s first home game of the 2014/2015 season.

Commissioner Heilmann's flair for the outrageous when it comes to promotional stunts may have permanently derailed the negotiations with ESPN. It is unclear what the options will be for the IHHL in the 2014/2015 season. 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Owner Profile: Richmond Prexies - Dom Prudente

The story of Dom Prudente is one of sorrow and tragedy. In the early 2000s, Dom ran a successful housing finance business. He would work long and hard to connect home buyers with the houses of their dreams in the Richmond area. When the housing market burst, Dom was forced to close his doors and lost nearly everything. After years of rebuilding, Dom was close to realizing a life long dream; owning and managing his own professional hockey team. 

When Commissioner Heilmann took over the league and was looking to expand the number of teams, the first person he reached out to was his friend Dom. The Commissioner knew that Dom would bring vitality and excitement to the league.

moments after being run over by team busDom, overjoyed at the chance to bring a professional hockey team to Richmond, VA, worked with the Commissioner to organize a parade celebrating the new team and the great times to come; and that is when tragedy struck for a second time in Dom's life. At the start of the parade, Dom, precariously perched upon the back of a convertible and waving to the crowd, fell. In falling, Dom hit the back of his head and was run over by the team bus. The accident resulted in Dom going into a coma and being placed in a full body cast.

With the IHHL draft taking place the next day, League owners unanimously agreed that the first round draft pick should go to the Richmond Prexies out of respect for Dom's condition. With that pick, the Prexies drafted Sidney Crosby, who was immediately promoted to team captain and coach. Crosby dedicates each game to the Prexies fallen owner telling everyone that Dom is watching over them. 

Despite herculean efforts by the player, the team has yet to win a game this season. Many in league now believe that Dom's fate is tied to that of his team. If only the Prexies could win a game, perhaps Dom would come out of his coma.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Owner Profiles: Cleveland Blackjacks - Alyssa Gagen

Alyssa Gagen, owner and General Manager of the Cleveland Blackjacks, is a woman of many and varied talents. Alyssa's road to becoming, not only a team owner, but an icon in the Icehouse Hockey League is a reflection of her dedication, adaptability and business savvy.

Alyssa first made her mark in the music industry working in New York searching out new talent. Alyssa's biggest find was Christopher Lee Rios, aka Big Pun, aka  Big Punisher. Big Punisher was the first solo Latino rapper to go platinum. In contrast to his large frame, Big Pun was a surprisingly graceful and nimble rapper, delivering his often clever, tongue-twisting rhymes at a torrential pace. 

Alyssa, the IHHL's first female Commissioner, served as a strong ambassador for the sport to its fans and built bridges between management and the players. She shepherd the IHHL through its first lockout during the 2012 to 2013 season. Drawing upon her experience in the music industry, she forged an agreement with the players' association that was beneficial for all parties. 

With the differences between the owners and the players worked out, Alyssa set about having the IHHL earn the respect and trust of the fans back. Throughout the entire lockout, she maintained an open and transparent dialogue with the fan base that helped the fans stay engaged. Post lockout, Alyssa used her contacts in the music industry to draw major bands to games, celebrating the return of hockey and spearheaded other fan-centric outreach projects.

For the 2013-2014 season, Alyssa decided to step down and focus on her team, the Cleveland Blackjacks. In stepping down, Alyssa said that "bringing the league back from the edge left too little time for me to focus on the team and the community that supports us. I know that this season will be a rebuilding year, but I fully expect the Blackjacks to once again be a dominant force in the IHHL."

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Owner Profiles: Seattle Wolves - Dan Gagen

Dan Gagen is a new owner of the Icehouse Hockey League expansion team Seattle Wolves. Dan was brought into the league by his sister and former IHHL Commissioner Alyssa Gagen. When Dan isn't busy managing his team, he can often be found to be flying the teams namesake, one of the helicopters used in the seminal 1980s action show, Airwolf.

Dan moved to the Seattle area shortly after college to carve out his place in the world. He was always willing to take risks and decided to jump into the the cut throat market of coffee bars right in hometown of Starbucks and Seattle's Best Coffee. 

Riding the wave of retro chic and a growing distaste for "main stream" businesses, Dan started his own coffee shop, called Hip Stirs. The concept evolved out a belief that no one makes a better cup of coffee for you, than you. Dan even has tip jars put out so that should a customer be especially pleased with the coffee they have made, they can tip themselves.

While the concept for Hip Stirs was openly mocked by established business; Dan not only made it the "roast" of the town, but he parlayed the concept into a successful franchise business. Each location encourages the local patrons to decorate the store as they see fit. This has allowed each location to evolve organically and have it's own unique feel.

Dan's flair for risk and challenging the status quo has not stopped at his coffee shops though.  When it comes to the Wolves, Dan insists on a retro feel there as well. There again, he echoes the past, from the uniforms to the fact that players are encouraged not to wear helmets.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Owner Profile: The Milwaukee Monarchs - Derek Heilmann

Derek Heilmann, runs the Milwaukee Monarchs as a labor of love. While serving as the Commissioner of the Icehouse Hockey League, Derek also owns and operates "Knight Industry Brewing", the oldest brewery in Milwaukee. An amateur inventor, he created the Knight Industries Thirst Technology brewing machine. KITT is not only revolutionary in its design, but also in its versatility. Knight Industries Brewing is not only able to use KITT in the brewing process for beer, but to make sports drinks as well. This has allowed Knight Industries to create superior beverages at a fraction of the cost of the competition. This has led directly to Knight Industries becoming not only the official beer of the IHHL with Hof'brau (pictured right), but also the league's official sports drink, LifeGaurd
Cool yet cocky
As Commissioner, Derek has overseen the expansion of the IHHL from  eight teams to 10,  the  ushering in of new ownership, and a series of outlandish, and sometimes tragic promotional stunts.

Promotion of the sport and the league has been at the core of his stewardship of the IHHL. During his brief time as the commissioner, Derek has worked closely with league resources to execute the launch of the IHHL Web site, the inaugural game of the IHHL Winter Classic, and designating Game Misconduct as the IHHL's official news source.

Somehow, while dealing with the pressures or running a multimillion dollar business and serving as the IHHL's commissioner, Derek manages to find time to serve as the Monarchs' coach and general manager as well. He feels that serving in these roles is vital to him getting the most out of his team. He believes that this gives him a strong sense of how each player is going to react and helps to create a strong team ethos that reaches from the locker room to the owner's box.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Owner Profiles: Barrel riders of Buffalo - Scott Hall

The owner of the Barrel Riders of Buffalo (BrB) is Scott Hall, a native of San Jose, CA. Prior to becoming an owner in the IHHL, Scott worked as an entrepreneur in the technology industry. Scott's first company, Shiva Industries, focused on cyber security security infrastructure. After selling the firm, Scott started Janus Insights, a company that focused on leveraging data analysis and metrics.  Now, Scott is the head of the Horus Consortium, which owns the Barrel Riders.

When Scott took over full time management of the Barrel Riders in 2008, the Barrel Riders had not been to the playoffs in a over a decade and had one of the worst attendance records of any team in the IHHL. Scott set to work building a solid infrastructure for the Barrel Riders. From the a state of the art training facility, to improvements to the Civic Center, Scott and the Horus Consortium financed everything in a bid to make the Barrel Riders more competitive.

Investing in the facilities and the team paid off for the Barrel Riders during the 2012 - 2013 season. Despite a truncated season, due to the lockout, the Barrel Riders took home their first ever IHHL Ice Bucket Championship and lead the league in attendance. For the 2013-2013 season, the Barrel Riders are currently number two in the league and in first place in the Conway Conference.

Recently, there has been talk of a widening rift between the Barrel Riders management and the city of Buffalo over the state of the Civic Center. Despite the Buffalo Riders bringing the Ice Bucket Championship to the city, as well as orchestrating the hosting the first IHHL Winter Classic, the city has refused to work with the ownership to secure a new facility. Over the past year, the arena has fallen into a state of disrepair and on more than one occasion, Scott has been heard to attribute player injuries to condition of the facility.

Monday, February 17, 2014

League History: Conway Conference

As part of the IHHL’s expansion for the 2013-2014 season, the league conferences were realigned and renamed. As a result of the realignment, the American Conference became the Conway Conference. This change is to honor one of the IHHL’s most proficient and respected snipers, Charlie Conway.

Conway hails from Dawson Creek, BC, Canada. Before playing in the IHHL, Conway learned all he he knew about hockey from Gordon Bombay. Bombay served as a coach not only for Conway’s junior league team. Years later, Bombay and Conway were reunited when Bombay coached Conway at the Junior Goodwill Games.
Conway was drafted as late round pick by the Cleveland Blackjacks. Initially, Conway was seen as a fringe player at best, never really expected to rise above the roll of a third line winger. It was not until the epic playoff series between the Cleveland Blackjacks and the Seattle Wolves, known as the Battle in Seattle, that Conway made his mark not only as an elite sniper but as a team leader. 
When the Blackjacks' top forward and captain was laid out with a concussion in game three of the second round of the playoffs, Conway immediately stepped up and took charge of the team. With Conway at the helm, the Blackjacks were able to rally back from a three game deficit to take the series. Conway not only demonstrated his proficiency as a marksmen, but he showed unsurpassed leadership skills. Under Conway’s sure and steady leadership, the Cleveland Blackjacks went on to win the IHHL Ice Bucket for four consecutive seasons.

Conway's number was retired when Alyssa Gagen took over management of the team. Conway still holds the league records for scoring the most shorthanded goals in a playoff series and the most consecutive games played.

The Conway Conference is comprised of:

  • Barrel Riders of Buffalo
  • Milwaukee Monarchs
  • Seattle Wolves
  • Cleveland Blackjacks
  • Richmond Prexies

Friday, February 14, 2014

Owner Profiles: Team Moran - Mark Moran

Mark Moran, one of the new owners brought in by Commissioner Heilmann is part publicity stunt, part an experiment in method acting research.  Mark is an independent film actor/director from Hollywood California and his involvement in the league has raised concerns among the other league owners. 

Brought in as part of the IHHL expansion for the 2013-2014 season, it soon became clear that Commissioner Heilmann had an ulterior motive for inviting Mark to become an owner. Commissioner Heilmann meant to use Mark to garner greater attention for the league by allowing Mark to treat his team, and the league by extension, as fodder for a new film. Mark saw the IHHL as a great opportunity to do some real life research for his upcoming film, The Flimsy Forward. The Flimsy Forward is the story  of a banker who quits his high pressure, high paying job to teach a group of inner-city, under privileged youths the ins and outs of hockey. The banker, it is later learned, is a former college prodigy hockey payer who ended up quitting as the result of  knee injury received in a playoff game. 

Upon learning of this, the other league owners were outraged and that Mark appeared to be taking pages out of the leagues own history as it concerned Charlie Conway's coach Gordon Bombay. The story of Gordon Bombay, which was recently the subject the of an ESPN 30 for 30, that bears more than a passing resemblance to the Flimsy Forward storyline.

In the first few weeks of the season, Mark would often be found on the ice practicing with his team and discussing their motivations and feelings. After Mark ended up breaking his leg as part of a freak practice accident (Patrice Bergeron issued a strong "No Comment" when asked about the incident), Mark has since moved to a coaching role to get "In better touch with the feelings, angst, and motivation" that the title character, that Mark will be playing, is feeling.

Team Moran, while dwelling in the basement of the Dunlop Conference, continues to put a spirited fight. Whether that is because of or in spite of Mark's coaching is unclear. With the team's poor performance, lack luster attendance numbers, and a growing dissatisfaction of the other owners, Mark's hold on Team Moran may be fleeting.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Owner Profile: Saskatoon Sasquatches - Brian Atkinson

Brian Atkinson, a US Citizen and proud member of the USMC, has been embraced and loved by the natives of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, where his team, the Saskatoon Sasquatches plays. When the locals are asked why they have embraced a US Owner so fully, they answer simply, "There is no US. There is no Canada. There is only HOCKEY!"

Asked why he choose to have the team remain in Saskatoon, Brian pointed to the history and energy of the fans. Quoted as saying, "Hockey is everything in Canada. There is no other place that I would rather own a team than right here in Saskatoon. You can feel the passion and excitement in the streets every game night. There is no other place that hockey matters more than right here."

The Sasquatches are the last of the great Canadian Hockey teams. Brian has been interviewed by Don Cherry (interview pictured to the left) and praised for not only keeping hockey in Canada, but for keeping Canadian style hockey thriving in the league.

Brian has put his status as an IHHL owner to good use in supporting the local community. When KISS recently played at a Sasquatch game, Brian reached out to Gene Simmons to donate a  custom 1956 Ford F-100 truck for auction, to raise funds for the new Saskatchewan Children's Hospital. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Owner Profile: Denver Demon Donkeys- Cody Wright

Cody Wright, a former Toronto native now hails from the capital city of the Mile High State, Denver, CO. Prior to becoming an owner and active General Manager of the Denver Demon Donkeys (D3), Cody made his mark as an enforcer in the Icehouse Hockey League farm system. 

In addition to coaching, Cody regular works out with the team both on and off the ice. His commitment to the franchise and the players' health have paid off in big in the past two seasons. In the shortened 2013 season, Cody coached the Donkeys to a first place finish, securing the league lead in points. Losing in the final game of the playoffs only strengthened Cody's desire to bring home the Ice Bucket.

For the 2013/2014 season, Cody kept his core team in place, building around them a punishing team that actively grinds opponents down, week in and week out. To help the team develop more grit, Cody has hired MMA fighters to train them. This emphasis on endurance and grit has allowed the team to lead the league in dishing out punishing on-ice hits this season.

The Washington Winter Warriors may own the best record in the league; but make no mistake, the true grit of the conference can be found at the heart of Donkeys. Many in the IHHL are rooting for a playoff match up between the two, which will take this rivalry to the next level.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Owner Profiles: Boston Benders - Samantha Waters

Suffolk Downs
Samantha Waters, of the Connecticut Waters, is a woman consumed by passion and drive to be the best. She struck out on her own right after college and moved to Boston where she financed the purchasing of a horse racing track, the Suffolk Downs. Rather than trading on her family name, she used shell companies to line up investors. 

Ms. Waters' drive to carve out her own path has often put her at odds with her blue blood upbringing. She is a fierce competitor who enjoys the thrill and challenge of striking out on her own and risking it all. 

When the chance came along to purchase a team in the Boston area, Ms. Waters wasted no time ensuring that she would be one of the new owners in the IHHL. She quickly sold her controlling interest in the Suffolk Downs to finance the purchase of the team and build a new modern arena.

Ms. Waters herself remains a woman of mystery. Few have met her face-to-face, as She prefers to operate through intermediates in order to keep her opponents off-balance and uncertain. This strategy has worked well, as Ms. Waters' team, The Boston Benders, have flourished in the fiercely competitive Dunlop Conference.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Week 20: It if bleeds...

Games in the IHHL will resume on Tuesday, February 25, after the end of the Winter Games. For the next two weeks, the IHHL will be publishing profiles on team owners and some league history. Today however, we will be recapping Week 19.

Week 19 saw four of the top IHHL teams in a knockdown fight, with the Winter Warriors and Barrel Riders facing off for the first time since the Winter Classic. The Monarchs hosting the Devil Donkeys, with both teams looking to gain on their respective conference leaders.

The Winter Warriors failed to freeze out the Barrel Riders this week. In a what ended up being a grudge match, the two teams met for the first time since the IHHL Winter Classic. The Winter Warriors and Barrel Riders traded wins on a daily basis with the deciding game coming down to Saturday. The Barrel Riders made key line changes and trade on Friday and Saturday that netted them the 5 points they needed to win and ended the Winter Warriors six game winning streak. Final Score: Barrel Riders (14 and 5) 286.9 to the Winter Warriors (16 and 3) 282.

The Devil Donkeys bucked the Monarchs this week to pull within one game of the Dunlop Conference lead. The Monarchs spent the first three days of the week keeping the Donkeys at bay. Starting on Thursday though, the Monarchs seemed to implode. With their lead over the Donkeys erased, the Monarchs proceeded to drop the next two nights, falling to the three games back in the Conway Conference. Final Score: Monarchs (11 and 8) 219.3 to the Devil Donkeys (15 and 4) 252.3.

Week 19 saw Dan Gagen getting bent out of shape over the Wolves’ loss to the Benders. The Seattle Wolves hosted the Boston Benders, in what ended up being a very fierce battle. The Wolves surged to a 30 point lead on Monday, only to see it erased on Tuesday. The matchup all came down to Saturday, where the Benders outscored the Wolves by 60 points. With that win, the Benders now own the best the streak in the IHHL with six consecutive wins. Final Score: Wolves (6 and 13) 151.6 to the Benders (15 and 4) 213.4.

The Richmond Prexies continue to sleepwalk through the season while hosting Team Moran. After initially jumping out to a lead on Monday, the Prexies fell back into their regular patterns and proceeded to get pummeled as the week wore on. Team Moran, taking direction from Owner/Coach Mark Moran, erased the Monday night deficit on Tuesday and worked on grinding the Prexies down as the week wore on. Final Score: Richmond Prexies (0 and 19) 146.9 to Team Moran (5 and 14) 189.5.

After making the trip to Cleveland, the Sasquatches dealt a devastating loss to the Blackjacks, in week 19. The Blackjacks, who are in the midst of a six game losing streak, made the costly mistake of resting players early in the week rather than put them on the ice. This strategy contributed to a series of losses that ultimately proved to be too much for the Blackjacks to overcome. Final Score: Blackjacks (3 and 16) 135.5 to the Sasquatches (10 and 9) 202.

Your GIF of the week:
This weeks gif goes out to IHHLs own commissioner, Derek Heilmann, who watched his team implode in the latter half of week 19.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Owner Profile: Washington Winter Warriors - H. M. Cannon


The Washington Winter Warriors are a one of the original Icehouse Hockey League teams. A franchise with a deep and storied history. The team itself was originally run by the players and has always been a tenacious contender for the Ice Bucket.

H. Cannon, Mac to his friends, is a rarity in more ways than one. Mac is a third generation owner of the team, his grandfather being one of the original player owners. A DC native, he initially made his mark in politics. Mac's style is one of constant contact with his constituents and dedication to improving the lot of his home district.

Looking to make the game more intimate and accessible, his first major project after taking over the team was the removal of the premium suites and owner's box. While this move was met with great resistant, Mac was unrelenting in pushing it forward. His philosophy behind the move was simple and straightforward, he wanted to allow more people to attend the game and experience the fun and excitement of hockey. Mac was quoted as saying, "Suites, while sold at a higher cost, cut down on the number of people who could attend a game and I don't like that!"

The community's reaction to this change has been overwhelmingly positive. Hockey has never been more popular in DC, even the teams practices (see below) becoming highly attended affairs. Mac not only eschews the traditional owner box, but actively seats himself in different sections and watches the games among the fans.

Team practice, November 2013

The team's popularity is not solely based upon Mac's fan friendly moves with the arena though. Mac can be a stern and unforgiving taskmaster when it comes to managing the team. The Warriors came in third place for points and overall in Mac's inaugural season. For the 2014 season, Mac was able to retain a core group of players and works to augment the team on a nearly weekly basis. Currently the Warriors have a strangle hold on first place in the league.

While anything can happen in the playoffs, many believe that the path to the Ice Bucket runs through Mac Cannon and the Warriors.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

League History - Dunlop Conference

Reggie DunlopAs part of the IHHL’s expansion for the 2013-2014 season, the league conferences were realigned and renamed. The Federal Conference was renamed for the league’s premier coach and player, Reggie Dunlop.

Dunlop, a native of Cleveland, OH, played and coached the Johnstown Chiefs in the 70s. This was during one of the bleaker periods in the IHHL’s history as fan attendance and league revenues were dropping. At the time, many believed the IHHL to be in the twilight days of its life, as the IHHL faced competition from the World Hockey League and other sports.

Halfway through the season, with the Chiefs in the IHHL’s cellar, Dunlop learned that the team was be shopped around to prospective buyers. Dunlop was determined to fight for the game and team he cared about and was not about to let the Chiefs’ fade into obscurity. By emphasizing a hard hitting, grind style of play, Dunlop was able to turn the around the Chiefs’ fortunes. The Chiefs’, never one to shy away from conflict, became even more dominating under Dunlop’s leadership.

While many criticized the Chiefs’ hard hitting style of play, Dunlop insisted that the there was a distinct absence of malice in his team’s play and that the team was delivering what the fans wanted ultimately wanted. A hard hitting, fast style of playing that excited them.

The focus on more physical play not only helped the Chiefs’ climb out the IHHL’s cellar, but also helped to raise interest in the league as well, leading to a renaissance of the IHHL’s fortunes. Sadly, despite Dunlop’s best efforts, the team ended moving from Johnstown to Boston ultimately becoming the Boston Benders.

Reggie, who passed away on September 26, 2008, was recognized for accomplishments in the New York Times. Inside of the IHHL, many credit Reggie Dunlop with bringing the league back from the brink of collapse. The Dunlop Conference, fittingly enough, embodies the spirit and grit that Reggie Dunlop brought back to the league.

The Dunlop Conference is comprised of:

  • Washington Winter Warriors
  • Boston Benders
  • Denver Demon Donkeys
  • Saskatoon Sasquatches
  • Team Moran

Monday, February 3, 2014

Week 19: We didn't start the fire

This is the final week of competition in the IHHL before the players head off to Sochi for Winter Olympic break. While the IHHL players travel to Sochi to represent their respective nations, we here at Game Misconduct will be be providing you, our readers, a brief history of the conferences as well as background on the team owners.

Week 18 saw the Boston Benders take ownership of the number two position for points from the Barrel Riders of Buffalo. The Washington Winter Warriors extended their winning streak to a season high of six games, with the Boston Benders staying hot on their tails by locking up their fifth consecutive win.

The IHHL game of the week was between Team Moran and the the Seattle Wolves. Team Moran, looking to build upon their win over the Cleveland Blackjacks last week, hosted the Wolves in a knock down drag out battle. Team Moran started out the week by winning two of the first three matches, putting the Wolves in the hole. On Thursday, the Wolves scraped by with a .3 win, leading to a change in the momentum. The Wolves rallied around Thursday’s win and marched onto victory throughout the weekend. Final Score: Team Moran (4 and 14) 175.9 to the Wolves (6 and 12) 199.

This week the Denver Devil Donkeys hosted the Richmond Prexies. The Prexies, still looking for that elusive first win of the season, fell apart from the first game. Captain Sidney Crosby put up huge numbers and tried to rally the team, but it was just not to be. The Prexies fell to the D3 by over 200 points, setting a new league record for largest disparity in points. The D3’s ended up taking the match up and put up the most points for the week. Final Score: D3 (14 and 4) 325.4 to the Prexies (0 and 14) 124.1.

The Milwaukee Monarchs, looking to at keep the pressure up the Barrel Riders of Buffalo, went on the road to challenge the Washington Winter Warriors in week 18. The Monarchs worked hard all week long against the Warriors, but time and again the Warriors proved to be the better team. In Friday’s matchup, the Warriors outscored the Monarchs, despite being outnumbered almost two to one. Final Score: Warriors (16 and 2) 289.3 to the Monarchs (11 and 7) 246.1.

The Cleveland Blackjacks traveled to Massachusetts in week 18 to take on the Boston Benders. The Blackjacks went into week 18 looking to play the role of spoiler and disrupt the Benders’ four win streak. The Bender’s opened up the week on Monday by establishing a 30 point lead. The opening night drubbing, combined with the 4 game slide led to the Blackjacks’ looking lethargic and unmotivated on the ice. Final Score: Benders (14 and 4) 301.5 to the Blackjacks (3 and 15) 168.5.

In what ended up being a rather heated battle, the Saskatoon Sasquatches hosted the Barrel Riders of Buffalo in week 18. Both teams were looking to bounce back from stinging losses in week 17 and the Sasquatches opened up on Monday by taking a 14 point lead. The Barrel Riders answered back on Tuesday by outscoring the Sasquatches by nearly 50 points. The perceived “showboating” and drubbing by the Barrel Riders led to a heated altercation between the Sasquatches owner Brian Atkinson and Barrel Riders’s Scott Hall. As a result of the altercation, Mr. Atkinson was banned from the remainder of the games for the week. Final Score: Sasquatches (9 and 9) 235.9 to BrB’s (13 and 5) 295.2.

Gif of the Week
This weeks gif is of the Barrel Riders’s Goalie, showboating after their win. One can see why the Sasquatches were so upset.