Monday, January 27, 2014

IHHL: Week 18 - I get knocked down, but I'll get up again

With the IHHL two weeks out from the Olympic break, teams are looking to secure their places in the standings for the break from February 9, to February 24.  Week 17 saw no change in the league leaders, but it did see the Milwaukee Monarchs rebounded from their loss in week 16. The Monarchs’ win puts them one game out from capturing the lead of the Conway Conference.

The Denver Demon Donkeys hit the road in week 17, to face off against the Seattle Wolves. The Donkeys’ opened up the match by surging to a 40 point lead in the first two nights. The Wolves rallied back to win the next two nights of the match up, but found themselves unable to match the Donkeys’ ferocity in the waning days of week. Final Score: Wolves (5 and 12) 187 to the Donkeys (13 and 4) 258.8.

The Richmond Prexies, entered week 17 still hunting for that elusive first win of the season facing off against the dominate Washington Winter Warriors. W3 wasted no time asserting dominance over the Prexies, securing a 20 point lead in what would be the biggest route of the week. Final Score: W3 (15 and 2) 338 to the Prexies (0 and 17) 196.5.

The Barrel Riders of Buffalo dropped an important match up against the surging Boston Benders in week 17. BrB, who lost two key players due to injuries early in the week, were unable to match the Benders on the ice as the week progressed. The Bender’s win this week keeps them even with Denver Demon Donkeys’ in keeping the pressure on the Washington Winter Warriors for the lead of the Dunlop Conference. Final Score: BrB (12 and 5) 237.9 to the Benders (13 and 4) 326.1.

The Milwaukee Monarchs hosted the Saskatoon Sasquatches in week 17. The Monarchs, looking to bounce back from a devastating loss to the Boston Benders, won the first nights match up against the Sasquatches’, only to see that lead erased the next night. Week 17 proved to be a seesaw battle as the Monarchs and Sasquatches fought for dominance the entire week. Ultimately though, the Monarchs were able to steal a win away from the Sasquatches with wins on Friday and Sunday; allowing the Monarchs to pull within one game of leading the Conway Conference. Final Score: Monarchs (11 and 6) 253.5 to Sasquatches (9 and 8) 222.6.

The Cleveland Blackjacks looked to stop their three game losing streak by facing off against Team Moran in week 17. The Blackjacks opened strong against Team Moran and proceeded to trade blows throughout the week. Team Moran prevailed on Saturday and Sunday to secure their fourth win of the season. Final Score: Blackjacks (3 and 14) 178.8 to Team Moran (4 and 13) 190.

Gif of the Week
This weeks gif goes to the Washington Winter Warriors, for the way that they manhandled the Richmond Prexies

Monday, January 20, 2014

IHHL: Week 17 - Rock You Like a Hurricane

The matches of week 16 tell a story of bloodshed, horror, and blowouts. The closest game of the week was decided by nearly 50 points. In a late Friday night move designed to avoid press scrutiny, Commissioner Heilmann announced that the IHHL teams will be undergoing a name change starting in the 2014/2015 season. The IHHL has released the following name changes:.
  • The Fighting Hasselhoffs will become the Milwaukee Monarchs
  • The Mighty V will be known as the Boston Benders
  • Puckin’ Great Ya’ll are changing their names to the Washington Winter Warriors
  • The Kung Fu Lemurs will be known as the Barrel riders of Buffalo
  • Never Go Full Kopitard are changing their name to the Saskatoon Sasquatches
  • Capital Punishment will be changing to the Cleveland Blackjacks 
  • How You Laich Me Now will be changing to the Denver Demon Donkeys (DDD)
  • Laich a G6 will be changing to the Seattle Wolves (SW) 
The premier match-up of the week was between the Boston Benders and the Milwaukee Monarchs. The BB’s have been on a tear, dominating the match-ups over the previous two weeks with the closest game being decided by 40 points. After dropping a key match-up against the Barrel riders of Buffalo in the last week of December, the Monarchs have been on a winning streak, closing to within one game to take the lead in the Dunlop Conference. Sadly, the Monarchs dreams of moving up were soundly crushed by the BB’s in what ended up being the biggest blowout of the week and the season. Final score: Milwaukee Monarchs (10 and 6) - 209.9 to Boston Benders (12 and 4) - 332.

The Cleveland Blackjacks hosted How You Laich Me Now this past week. Going into week 16, the Blackjacks were looking to stop a two game slide while How You Laich Me Now focused on keeping up the pressure on the Washington White Walkers. For the Blackjacks, the week went from bad to worse with How You Laich Me Now pulling ahead by 30+ points in the first two days. Final Score: Cleveland Blackjacks (3 and 13) - 193.3 to How You Laich Me Now (12 and 4) - 278.6.

The Washington Winter Warriors (W3) faced off against Laich a G6 in week 16. W3, looking to pad their lead in the Dunlop Conference, launched into G6 early and hard. While G6 rallied back several times later in the week, they were never able to overcome the early lead that W3 established. Final Score: Laich a G6 (5 and 11) - 215.6 to Washington Winter Warriors (14 and 2) - 269.3.

The Richmond Prexies, still looking for their first win of the season, hosted the Saskatoon Sasquatches this past week. Despite strong performances Zetterberg and Karlsson, the Prexies failed to stop the Sasquatches from walking all over them. Final Score: Richmond Prexies (0 and 16) - 123.5 to Saskatoon Sasquatches (9 and 7) - 232.3.

Team Moran hosted the Barrel riders of Buffalo in week 16, with Team Moran looking to take advantage of BrB who was still reeling from last weeks loss to How You Laich Me Now. BrB, stinging from the previous week defeat and looking to fend off the Monarchs, started the match up strong by gaining a 25 point lead over Team Moran in the first night. The end of the week saw BrB resting key players in anticipation of a tough match-up in week 17 against the Boston Benders, resulting in the closest game of the week. Final Score: Team Moran (3 and 13) - 237.3 to Barrel riders of Buffalo (12 and 4) - 286.5.

Your GIF of the week: This weeks link is dedicated to the The Boston Benders and their domination of Milwaukee Monarchs.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Week 16: The standings, they are a'changin'

Welcome to week 16. We have two weeks left until the Olympic break. Just because we will be taking a respite to watch the winter games though, does not mean that you should stop checking back here. Management has a treat lined up for the GMs so be sure to check back here, or follow along at the official news source of the Icehouse Hockey League,

The closest matchup of the week went to How You Laich Me Now (LAIC) versus the Kung Fu Lemurs (KFL). In a week that saw nearly 16 trades and moves of players, half of those were done by LAIC and KFL. LAIC came out strong on Monday, seizing a sixteen point lead, only to see that lead evaporate on Tuesday as the KFL rallied back took the next two nights. By Saturday morning, LAIC held a 40 point lead over the KFL that disappeared by the end of the night as the KFL outscored the LAIC by 42 points. In the end though, it all came down to players on the ice. LAIC held a four player advantage on Sunday, which lead to a final score for the week of: LAIC (11 and 4) 274.6 to KFL (11 and 4) 256.

Puckin’ Great Ya’ll (PUCK) continued their winning ways this week by dominating Capital Punishment (CP). PUCK came out strong establishing a 30+ point lead in the first two games and never looked back. A rally by CP on Sunday proved to be too little too late in what ultimately proved to be the biggest blowout of the week. The final score was: PUCK (13 and 2) 275.7 to CP (3 and 12) 186.1.

The IHHL’s very own soap opera story that is The Richmond Prexies (RIC) continued this week. with a flash of hope that, ultimately proved to be futile. This week RIC faced off against The Might V (TMV) in what started out as a close match up. After tying on Monday, TMV won Tuesday by 15 and eked out a two point win on Wednesday. Sadly, that was as closest that RIC got winning last week. It is looking more and more like RICs chances of pulling out a win this season, much likes Dom’s chances of coming out the coma, are non-existent. Final score TMV (11 and 4): 223 to RIC (0 and 15) 143.4.

Never Go Full Kopitard (NGFK) pulled off a solid win against Laich a G6 (G6) last week. After struggling on Monday and Wednesday, losing by a combined total of 30 points over three days, NGFK put together a string of high point nights to ultimately win for the week, despite dropping Sunday’s game by 17 points. Final score, NGFK (8 and 7) 201.9 to G6 (5 and 10) 178.7.

Team Moran (MORA) sought to prove that there were still a force to be reckoned with in the match up against The Fighting Hasselhoffs (HOFF) last week. MORA came out strong and by Friday night, MORA held a five point lead over the HOFFs. Saturday and Sunday saw the HOFFs push back hard with big scoring nights leading to the final score of: MORA (3 and 12) 225.8 to HOFF (10 and 5) 255.5.

Gif of the Week

This weeks gif goes to LAIC for dropping the KFL after a hard fought week.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Week 15: Put your left wing in, take your right wing out.

Week 14 saw the match of the conference leaders as the Kung Fu Lemurs faced off against Puckin’ Great Ya’ll and How You Laich Me Now played against The Fighting Hasselhoffs. Conference pride and chances to move up in the standings were on the line.

The Kung Fu Lemurs stumbled from the start, loosing the first two days by more than 70 points to Puckin’ Great Ya’ll. The Lemur’s attempted rally was quickly squashed as Ya’ll continued to assert league dominance in points by racking up nearly 350 during the Winter Classic. Rumours out of the Lemurs clubhouse have management furious over the loss. With not only the team coach and players catching flack, but the city as well. Management’s negotiations with the city for renovations on the rink have stalled. Final score, Kung Fu Lemurs (11 and 3) 258 to Puckin’ Great Ya’ll (12 and 2) 346.1.

After being taken advantage of the previous week, The Fighting Hasselhoffs found their groove and came out strong against How You Laich Me Now. The Hoffs opened the week up with a score of 30.9 to How You Laich Me Now’s 4.9 and never looked back. How You Laich Me Now eked out more points than Hoffs only once last week. Final score, The Fighting Hasselhoffs (9 and 5) 330.6 to How You Laich Me Now (10 and 4) 225.

After the Richmond Prexies close game last week, many believed that the owner was on the verge of coming out of his coma. Indeed, things looked good as the Prexies came out and dominated Team Moran in the first game of the week. Sadly though, the Prexies owner remains in his comatose condition and Team Moran was able to claw their way back as the week progressed. Final score, Richmond Prexies (0 and 14) 155.2 to Team Moran (3 and 11) 176.5.

Capital Punishment, after securing a narrow win against the Prexies last week proved to be no match for Never Go Full Kopitard. Kopitard used all of their allotted roster moves for the week in order to secure the victory and only (narrowly) dropped two matches for the week. Final score, Capital Punishment (3 and 11) 148 to Never Go Full Kopitard (7 and 7) 192.4.

Laich a G6 came out strong against The Mighty V, securing a 25 point lead in the opening night; only to see the lead evaporate when G6 failed to register a single point on Wednesday, allowing The Mighty V to make up the difference. The Mighty V secured the win to stay tied with How You Laich Me Now for second place in the Dunlop Conference. Final score Laich a G6 (5 and 9) 214.1 to The Mighty V (10 and 4) 252.4.

Your GIF of the week:
Scott's reaction to Mac winning last week.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

IHHL: Week 14 Update

Santa has come and gone and we are now in the back half of the IHHL season. In a month, the Olympics will start and the IHHL will go on hiatus as players go to represent their home nations. This means that in the next few weeks we will see a scramble as managers continue to address injuries and look to stack up points and secure their positions in the conference.

Last week we nearly saw a Christmas miracle as the Richmond Prexies came within .6 of a point of winning their first game of the season. Capital Punishment played the role of the Grinch last week, teasing the Prexies with the possibility of a win by keeping it close all week long. Final score for the week, Capital Punishment (3 and 10) 148.7 to Richmond Prexies (0 and 13) 148.2.

Puckin’ Great Ya’ll reasserted dominance of the Dunlop Conference, and the league, by scoring 315 points in a shortened week format. Never Go Full Kopitard never stood a chance as Puckin’ scored nearly 200 points in the first two games of the week. Final Score, Puckin’ Great Ya’ll (11 and 2) 315.7 to Never Go Full Kopitard (6 and 7) 150.6. Puckin’ Great Ya’ll currently leads the league in points with a total of 3514, nearly 300 points more than the closest rival.

How You Laich Me Now set their sites on The Mighty V last week, in a fight to see who would continue to challange Puckin’ Great Ya’ll for dominance of the Dunlop League. After keeping it close all week, The Mighty V was unable to match How You Laich Me Now on Sunday. This lead to a final score of How You Laich Me Now (10 and 3) 242.4 to The Mighty V’s (9 and 4) 182.3.

Team Moran faced off against Laich a G6 last week and it was a close a bitter battle the entire week. In the end, the first game of the week proved to be the difference though. Laich a G6 outscored Team Moran by 30 points, leaving us with a final score of Laich a G6 (5 and 8) 183.7 to Team Moran’s (2 and 11) 153.7.

Last week saw the showdown of the top two teams in the Conway Conference. The Kung Fu Lemurs took advantage of a tired and distracted Fighting Hasselhoffs. The Lemurs played a dominant game the first two games of the week, allowing them to coast to victory despite a flurry of trades and roster moves by the Hoffs. Final score for the week was Kung Fu Lemurs (11 and 2) 247.8 to The Fighting Hasselhoffs (8 and 5) 214.1.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014