Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Week Seven Closeout

Dunlop Conference

The Mighty V made their play for dominance in the conference by upsetting the undefeated How You Laich Me Now in week 5. The Mighty V started out strong and gave very little ground over the course of week 5, leaving How You Laich Me Now unable to withstand the assault.

Puckin' Great Ya'll has only stumbled once this season, and that was against How You Laich Me Now in week 4. Week 4 proved to be closest game of the season for PUCK, with it all coming down to Sunday. In the end, PUCK  lost out by 10 points, leaving us with a tie for the lead of the Dunlop conference between Puckin' Great Ya'll and The Mighty V.

Conway Conference

Old rivarlies are heating in the Conway Conference as The Kung Fu Lemurs and The Fighting Hasselhoffs fight for dominance. Two games separate the KFL from the Hoff's at the end of week 7. Rumors of bounties being placed on the KFL players by the Hoff's owner/management are beginning to swirl.

Games Wrap Up

  • Puckin' Great Ya'll (6 and 1) breezed to an easy win over Liach a G6 this week.
  • How you Laich Me Now (5 and 2) crushed Capital Punishment (2 and 5) keeping LAIC nipping at the heels of the conference leaders.
  • Never Go Full Kopitard (4 and 3) steamrolled the Richmond Prexies (0 and 7) to keep things tight among the top teams in the conference.
  • The Kung Fu Lemurs (6 and 1) manhandled Team Moran (1 and 6), outscoring Team Moran by almost 90 points. The KFL's playing was helped out by Team Moran failing to ice a full team most nights, leaving over 30 points on the bench.
  • In a heart breaking match for The Fighting Hasselhoffs (4 and 3), The Mighty V (6 and 1) powered back on Sunday to win by five points. Dropping the Hoffs to two games back while keeping the Might V neck and neck with Puckin' Great Ya'll.

Week 8 Match Ups

Going into week 8, the KFL face off against The Mighty V as both teams look to solidify their grips on their respective conferences.

Laich a G6 looks to make a run back into the standings against How you Laich Me Now by taking of their man advantages this week. 

The Richmond Prexies are looking for their first win of the season against Puckin' Great Ya'll this week. The Prexies have the man advantage most nights, even though they are leaving players on the bench. 

The Hoff's face off against Never Go Full Kopitard; both teams looking to move up and solidify their place in the standings. 

In a match up to close to call, Capital Punishment and Team Moran face off this week. The difference may come down to how many players each team opts to rest rather than play this week. 

For updates throughout the week, be sure to check out the IHHL Twitter feed.

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